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- 2017 Asia and Africa today
"Asia and Africa today" № 12 2017 |

Top Problem |
RUSSIA AND AFRICA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN NEW GLOBAL REALITIES by Irina O. ABRAMOVA, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Dr.Sc. (Economy), Professor; Director, Institute for African Studies, RAS; member, Editorial Board, “Aziya i Afrika segodnya” journal (
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The article focuses on the issues related to the development of economic relations between Russia and Africa under the new geoeconomic conditions. The author shows that the shifts in the world economy and politics over the last 10 years changed the global economic landscape and raised the interest towards the African continent, with competition on the continent becoming stiffer. The modern expansion into the African continent is accounted for not only by the urge of stakeholders to strengthen their positions in the global resource supply - which largely influences the national security, - but also by their strategic objective to ensure stable positions and zones of influence while competing globally in the 2020-2030-s. It is the period when the African continent is forecast(according to the leading think tanks, analytical and rating agencies) to turn into the source of growing global labour, consumerdemand and resource potential to develop the world economy i.e. the objectives are of the long-term character. At present, Russia and African states are pursuing the common objective - to shape more just world order which better corresponds to new realities. Africans still consider Russia as the most probable ally while protecting their interests in the international arena and as a counterweight to the hegemonic aspirations of one superpowers or a group of superpowers. It is time for Russia to consider Africa as a strategic partner. The author comes up with concrete measures on stirring up the Russian-African partnership.
Keywords: foreign economic strategy of Russia, developing markets, Africa, Russian-African partnership, Saint-Petersburg economic forum
NEW CONCEPTS OF CHINA’S FOREIGN POLICY by Alexander V. LOMANOV, D.Sc. (History), Head Research Fellow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences (
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Since 2013 China updates the set of normative ideas in foreign policy. Concepts of “new type of international relations”, “new type of relations between big powers”, “community of destiny”, “correct view on righteousness and benefit” represent vision of foreign policy of current Chinese leadership. The article attempts to systematize these new concepts and to trace their connection with actual problems of China’s interaction with the world. The analysis helps to deepen understanding of views of Chinese leadership on perspectives of transformation of existing world order under China’s influence.
Keywords: Xi Jinping, foreign policy ideology, global governance, “peripheral diplomacy”, traditional values
Policy, Economy |
POST-ISIS: JIHADI STATISM IN STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE by Leonid L. FITUNI, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Dr.Sc. (Economics), Professor; Deputy Director, Institute for African Studies, RAS; member, Editorial Board, “Aziya i Afrika segodnya” journal (
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Despite the widespread perception of ISIS as a social phenomenon opposite hostile attitudes to Secular state, leaders of the selfproclaimed Caliphate have been exercising statist policies based on Islamic values and the Jihadi worldview. Fundamentally the Jihadi Statism is akin to other historic forms of statism widely spread in the Middle East. Through all the years of the existence of IS statism constituted one of the basic principles of its cultural, educational, economic and foreign policy. The author predicts that after the military defeat of ISIS, the «jihadi» statism will not disappear, but, having adjusted to the changed geo-strategic realities, will acquire other forms and perhaps a new geographical references for the purpose of preserving long-term targets of statal-imperatives with a powerful religious base.
Keywords: radical Islam, terrorism, statism, jihadism, Islamism, ISIS, diaspora, Muslims
THE CHRISTIAN DIMENSION OF RUSSIA’S MIDDLE EAST POLICY by Leonid M. ISSAEV, PhD (Political Science), Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Research Fellow, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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); and Serafim E. YURIEV, BA, Russian State University for Humanities (
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The Middle East, along with the Balkans, historically were zones of Orthodox Christians’s settling outside of Russia. This fact largely determined the crucial role of the «Orthodox issue» in the Russian foreign policy in both regions throughout the centuries. However, in recent years, Russian influence on the Balkans have been significantly undermined, which caused the need for active Russian interference in the Middle East affairs due to maintain its presence in the region and to preserve its reputation in the eyes of the Middle Eastern Christians.
Keywords: Russia, foreign policy, Christians, Orthodox, Arabs, Levant, Syria, Russian Orthodox Church
INDIA - ISRAEL: DIFFICULT WAY TO STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP by Valeriy P. KASHIN, PhD (History), Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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The character, peculiarities and stages of India-Israel dialogue are analyzed in the following article due to the first official visit to Israel by the prime minister of India Narendra Modi. The visit took place on 4-6th of July 2017 commemorating the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Israel and succeeded in bilateral agreement on a strategic
partnership. Military and technological cooperation between India and Israel, its aims and prospects are the centre of the author’s attention.
Keywords: India, Israel, diplomatic relations, military and technological cooperation, strategic partnership
THE DPRK ECONOMY: AN INSIDE LOOK by Lyudmila V. ZAKHAROVA, PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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With tightening international economic sanctions, North Korea has to take measures to prepare conditions for sustainable economy relying mostly on internal resources. The study is based on the analysis of official North Korean documents, as well as empirical data collected by the author during an academic trip to Pyongyang in 2017. The article examines the main directions of the DPRK’s economic development after the Seventh Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party, held in May 2016. The author comes to the conclusion that, given the limited possibilities for using external resources, the DPRK leadership is trying to stake on scientific
and technological progress and mobilization of citizens’ private initiative limited by the scope of the socialist property system.
Keywords: DPRK, economy, economic policy, economic development strategy, import substitution, sanctions
CHINESE PEASANTRY: CREATING “XIAOKANG” SOCIETY by Lyudmila D. BONI, Dr.Sc. (Economics), Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
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The article observes the problems of Chinese Peasantry in Contemporary China, the history and the reasons of the current situation in rural areas, the perspectives of building “full xiaokang” society in rural China.
Keywords: Chinese Peasantry, “xiaokang” society, «sannong», 13th five year plan
OVERSEAS CHINESE IN THE SOUTHEAST ASIA AND THEIR ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SILK MARITIME ROAD OF THE 21ST CENTURY by Alina V. AFONASYEVA, PhD (Economics), Academic Secretary and Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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The paper deals with the concept of Chinese initiative of the Silk Maritime Road of the 21st century (SMR-21), justifies a choice of Southeast Asia as a pivot region of SMR-21. The author estimates the number of Overseas Chinese (huaqiao) and the amount of their capitals in the Southeast Asia, analyses the industrial structure of Overseas Chinese companies and the position of huaqiao in various sectors of the economies of the Southeast Asia countries. Special attention is paid to the question of the PRC’s policy towards Overseas Chinese. In conclusion, the author outlines the real prospects for the participation of Overseas Chinese in the SMR-21.
Keywords: Overseas Chinese (huaqiao), Southeast Asia, Silk Maritime Road of the 21st century (SMR-21)
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN ARAB COUNTRIES: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS by Anna Yu. SHAROVA, PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Junior Research Fellow, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (
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Based on an analysis of a number of key indicators, the article concluded that the overall level of energy efficiency in the Arab countries remains low, largely due to high government subsidies for fuel and electricity. At the same time, its increase is one of the effective mechanisms to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and as a result, to achieve the goals set on the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference. In recent years, a number of states in the region have seen positive developments. The article examines the implementation of basic institutional, financial, technical tools for the state support. Based on the analysis the regional leaders were identified, where the increase in energy savings and energy efficiency is likely to be predicted in the nearest future.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy subsidies, measures of state support, Arab countries
Post-Graduate Column |
GUINEAN FOREIGN POLICY by Asiya R. KHALITOVA, Post-graduate student, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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Since 2010 Guinean foreign policy has been aimed at multilateral cooperation both at the regional and global level. Its main direction is its activity in regional organizations. The Guinean authorities continue to draw on its traditional Western partners (France, USA, EU), collaborate with Asian States (China, India, Japan, Malaysia) and Arab partners (Morocco, UAE, Saudi Arabia). Recently relations between Russia and Guinea have gotten a boost.
Keywords: Guinea, foreign policy, diplomacy, Ebola, regional organizations, Russia-Guinea relations
Book Review |
Review of the book: Anna A. Suvorova. Daughters and Widows: gender, pedigree and power in South Asia (M., Nauka-Vostochnaya Literatura, 2017. 237 p., with plates) (In Russ.) by Vyacheslav Ya. Belokrenitsky, Dr.Sc. (History), professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (
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Keywords: South Asia, women-leaders, political dynasties,patriarchate, maternalism, traditional political culture